Contact Information:

Dr. Bethany Estrella

Phone: 508-947-3634 x 1112 or 1114

READS Collaborative
105 E. Grove St.
Middleboro, MA 02346

Family Success Partnership (FSP)

Who we are:

Our clinical team is comprised of 3 social workers and 1 family therapist with a wealth of experience with trauma informed practice, community based services, cognitive behavioral interventions, cultural proficiency, inclusive practices, and the provision of home-school clinical support. 

FSP Services:

  • The Family Success Partnership (FSP) is a highly individualized, voluntary program with the goal of providing ongoing support to connect students and families to the resources they need through: case management, care coordination/referrals, mental health support and services, "in-home" services, consultation to school teams, access to housing, food, basic needs, etc.

  • The Family Success Partnership (FSP) READS counselors provide wrap-around services for students and families in local school districts. Often the students identified for FSP are struggling due to circumstances in the home that are not visible to school personnel, or the scope of support needed is greater than that of what school-based counselors can provide. FSP Counselors meet families at their level of readiness and at the time and place that best serves their needs (evening hours, at the family's home, caregivers' work, etc.

  • Support is individually tailored to each family based on two sets of goals: one set by the family and the other set by their school team. FSP clinicians regularly monitor process toward these goals and share progress with the team. The model relies on a partnership and consultation with school teams.

  • The FSP Program also provides ongoing mental health trainings for staff, consultation with school teams for all students (not only families receiving FSP support), individual and family counselling, the provision of specialized clinical groups for students (DBT, SRM, etc.) facilitated access to community recourses/supports, etc.

 Evolution of FSP and Supports Provided:

READS FSP program began in 2017 with 2 school districts and 1 part-time clinician supporting 10 families.  At that time, school and family goals primarily centered on obtaining basic needs and bridging home-school communication.

Currently we partner with 8 school districts, with 4 clinicians supporting 80 families.  Since the pandemic, family and school goals identifying access to mental health services, increasing attendance, and supporting social emotional functioning have all increased over 200%.  The complexity of student and family needs has increased with nearly all of students/families referred accessing at least one aspect of mental health support facilitated by our clinicians.  In addition to addressing mental health needs, our clinicians continue to support attainment of basic needs, bridging home-school communication, and all other identified goals.

We are happy to discuss the scope of this program with you in greater detail or schedule a meeting to discuss your district’s needs and how we can tailor this service to meet those needs.  Please contact Beth Estrella, Director of District Services, with any questions.